
Improv comedy inspired by YOUR (anonymous) secrets!

The Faculty presents Confessions: Improv comedy inspired by YOUR (anonymous) secrets!

Are you secretly the one who keeps eating your roommate's leftovers? Do you have an embarrassing story from middle school that you've never told anyone? Do you need to finally get it off your chest that you like your wings with ranch? The audience will place their best secrets and confessions into the BUCKET OF TRUTH, and these confessions will be read aloud and used as inspiration for hilarious improv comedy. It's always so fun. We all learn so much.

Next Show:

Fri Feb 14 @ 8:00 pm
$18 presale, $20 at the door
$10 discount tickets available
Fri Feb 14
8:00 pm
$18 presale, $20 at the door
$10 discount tickets available